NON TRC members Winner Donor
  TRC members Winner Donor
SO - AB - MIXED - HP UR2Y LZ1SAD - Plaque   SO - AB - MIXED - HP UN9L LZ1QZ - Plaque
SO - AB - MIXED - LP PC1PM Certificate   SO - AB - MIXED - LP SE4E LZ1YE - Plaque
SO - AB - CW - HP MM9I LZ5ET - Plaque   SO - AB - CW - HP K1LZ LZ4NM - Plaque
SO - AB - CW - LP R7MM LZ1ONK - Plaque   SO - AB - CW - LP DL1CW LZ4NM - Plaque
SO - AB - SSB - HP F1PNJ E - Certificate   SO - AB - SSB - HP LZ2VU Certificate
SO - AB - SSB - LP SP3DFB E - Certificate   SO - AB - SSB - LP F4CVO E - Certificate
SO - TB - HP SP2QG LZ1QZ - Plaque   SO - TB - HP 9A1AA UN9L - Plaque
SO - TB - LP UN8PT LZ2MR - Plaque   SO - TB - LP YL2TD LZ1SAD - Plaque
SO - 10 UN5G Certificate   SO - 10 RA3AGF E - Certificate
SO - 15 RX9CC E - Certificate   SO - 15 TA3D E - Certificate
SO - 20 YT1A Certificate   SO - 20 HA8TP E - Certificate
SO - 40 SP4TKR Certificate   SO - 40 PD1RP E - Certificate
SO - 80 SP4AWE E - Certificate   SO - 80 DL6KWN E - Certificate
SO - 160S  ------  ------------------------   SO - 160  ------  ------------------------
MS RK4HYT Certificate   MS LZ73TRC Certificate
SO - AB - QRP YU3DX LZ2AF - Plaque   SO - AB - QRP UA3RF LZ2AF - Plaque

* As many people change their addresses frequently ... plaques and certificates will only be sent once the addresses have been confirmed by the contest winners!

* If you do not collect paper certificates from the contests you can download your certificate from the results page.


Scores: "NON-TRC members / SO-AB-MIX-HP"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. UR2Y 714 646 2785 271 754735 Plaque
2. UR5EJ 340 309 1336 165 220440 Certificate
3. YU1924RB 322 293 954 150 143100 Certificate
1. Country: Serbia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YU1924RB 322 293 954 150 143100
2. Country: Ukraine
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UR2Y 714 646 2785 271 754735
2. UR5EJ 340 309 1336 165 220440


Scores: "NON-TRC members / SO-AB-MIX-LP"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. PC1PM 455 421 1591 172 273652 Certificate
2. YL3NU 340 325 1248 176 219648 Certificate
3. E7AA 303 268 1006 145 145870 Certificate
4. DL7USW/P 219 195 804 142 114168
5. SM5DXR 191 176 675 118 79650  
6. ER/UT1ZZ 85 79 449 77 34573
1. Country: Bosnia-Herzegovina
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. E7AA 303 268 1006 145 145870
2. Country: Fed. Rep. of Germany
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. DL7USW/P 219 195 804 142 114168
3. Country: Latvia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YL3NU 340 325 1248 176 219648
4. Country: Moldova
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. ER/UT1ZZ 85 79 449 77 34573
5. Country: Netherlands
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PC1PM 455 421 1591 172 273652
6. Country: Sweden
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SM5DXR 191 176 675 118 79650


Scores: "NON-TRC members / SO-AB-CW-HP"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. MM9I 1350 1182 4436 354 1570344 Plaque
2. HG6O 1145 1032 3834 338 1295892 Certificate
3. LZ5DI 1088 962 3794 329 1248226 Certificate
4. LZ5R 934 864 3245 287 931315
5. IU4JNR 858 781 2918 272 793696 Certificate
6. SV1BJW/6 853 789 2799 262 733338 Certificate
7. RM1T 700 628 2583 252 650916 Certificate
8. YQ6A 643 585 2271 257 583647 Certificate
9. DL4ME 600 573 2275 234 532350 Certificate
10. SZ1A 573 521 2046 240 491040
11. 9A3YT 580 547 2079 212 440748 Certificate
12. SP2MKI 524 498 1979 212 419548 Certificate
13. F5SGI 616 547 1929 215 414735 Certificate
14. M1X 494 479 2046 198 405108 Certificate
15. PA3AAV 609 524 1921 210 403410 Certificate
16. EA1X 560 512 1751 219 383469 Certificate
17. I2IFT 461 424 1660 219 363540  
18. M4N 400 385 1841 190 349790
19. LA8HGA 558 514 1771 193 341803 Certificate
20. OZ3SM 466 414 1470 217 318990 Certificate
21. UR3QX 400 381 1665 191 318015 Certificate
22. DL6KVA 521 468 1587 179 284073
23. OZ5W 506 432 1504 182 273728  
24. YO3LW 417 386 1367 175 239225
25. HG5E 439 391 1341 165 221265  
26. LZ2XA 399 354 1242 174 216108
27. MM4D 364 339 1178 152 179056 Certificate
28. UV1IX 356 313 1190 143 170170
29. PA5FN 300 283 1202 140 168280  
30. EW8OM 299 280 1155 141 162855 Certificate
31. F6AUS 304 279 1075 151 162325  
32. S59AA 351 311 1099 143 157157 Certificate
33. PC4H 251 241 1155 136 157080  
34. SM6NT 325 301 1017 153 155601 Certificate
35. UA4CC 318 285 967 156 150852  
36. OK1OA 302 271 946 149 140954
37. YO6OEV 305 278 848 121 102608  
38. K4RUM 205 187 876 112 98112
39. OH6BA 162 154 698 120 83760  
40. WA4JUK 197 175 764 102 77928
41. UA9CDC 171 158 599 109 65291  
42. JN4MMO 165 141 639 84 53676
43. AK1MD 126 111 576 92 52992  
44. K6AR 118 104 560 83 46480
45. R4BZ 124 112 492 90 44280  
46. RL3T 129 118 488 87 42456
47. UR5WX 120 115 478 77 36806  
48. K4BAI 93 79 325 55 17875
49. DF5BX 106 80 279 59 16461  
50. YO3GNF 72 63 248 50 12400
51. OK1PBU 37 33 126 33 4158  
52. YU7KW 29 24 78 24 1872
1. Country: Asiatic Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UA9CDC 171 158 599 109 65291
2. Country: Belarus
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. EW8OM 299 280 1155 141 162855
3. Country: Bulgaria
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LZ5DI 1088 962 3794 329 1248226
2. LZ5R 934 864 3245 287 931315
3. LZ2XA 399 354 1242 174 216108
4. Country: Croatia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. 9A3YT 580 547 2079 212 440748
5. Country: Czech Republic
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OK1OA 302 271 946 149 140954
2. OK1PBU 37 33 126 33 4158
6. Country: Denmark
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OZ3SM 466 414 1470 217 318990
2. OZ5W 506 432 1504 182 273728
7. Country: England
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. M1X 494 479 2046 198 405108
2. M4N 400 385 1841 190 349790
8. Country: European Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RM1T 700 628 2583 252 650916
2. UA4CC 318 285 967 156 150852
3. R4BZ 124 112 492 90 44280
4. RL3T 129 118 488 87 42456
9. Country: Fed. Rep. of Germany
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. DL4ME 600 573 2275 234 532350
2. DL6KVA 521 468 1587 179 284073
3. DF5BX 106 80 279 59 16461
10. Country: Finland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OH6BA 162 154 698 120 83760
11. Country: France
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. F5SGI 616 547 1929 215 414735
2. F6AUS 304 279 1075 151 162325
12. Country: Greece
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SV1BJW/6 853 789 2799 262 733338
2. SZ1A 573 521 2046 240 491040
13. Country: Hungary
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. HG6O 1145 1032 3834 338 1295892
2. HG5E 439 391 1341 165 221265
14. Country: Italy
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. IU4JNR 858 781 2918 272 793696
2. I2IFT 461 424 1660 219 363540
15. Country: Japan
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. JN4MMO 165 141 639 84 53676
16. Country: Netherlands
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PA3AAV 609 524 1921 210 403410
2. PA5FN 300 283 1202 140 168280
3. PC4H 251 241 1155 136 157080
17. Country: Norway
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LA8HGA 558 514 1771 193 341803
18. Country: Poland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SP2MKI 524 498 1979 212 419548
19. Country: Romania
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YQ6A 643 585 2271 257 583647
2. YO3LW 417 386 1367 175 239225
3. YO6OEV 305 278 848 121 102608
4. YO3GNF 72 63 248 50 12400
20. Country: Scotland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. MM9I 1350 1182 4436 354 1570344
2. MM4D 364 339 1178 152 179056
21. Country: Serbia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YU7KW 29 24 78 24 1872
22. Country: Slovenia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. S59AA 351 311 1099 143 157157
23. Country: Spain
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. EA1X 560 512 1751 219 383469
24. Country: Sweden
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SM6NT 325 301 1017 153 155601
25. Country: Ukraine
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UR3QX 400 381 1665 191 318015
2. UV1IX 356 313 1190 143 170170
3. UR5WX 120 115 478 77 36806
26. Country: United States
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. K4RUM 205 187 876 112 98112
2. WA4JUK 197 175 764 102 77928
3. AK1MD 126 111 576 92 52992
4. K6AR 118 104 560 83 46480
5. K4BAI 93 79 325 55 17875
1. Continent: AS
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UA9CDC 171 158 599 109 65291
2. JN4MMO 165 141 639 84 53676
2. Continent: EU
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. MM9I 1350 1182 4436 354 1570344
2. HG6O 1145 1032 3834 338 1295892
3. LZ5DI 1088 962 3794 329 1248226
4. LZ5R 934 864 3245 287 931315
5. IU4JNR 858 781 2918 272 793696
6. SV1BJW/6 853 789 2799 262 733338
7. RM1T 700 628 2583 252 650916
8. YQ6A 643 585 2271 257 583647
9. DL4ME 600 573 2275 234 532350
10. SZ1A 573 521 2046 240 491040
11. 9A3YT 580 547 2079 212 440748
12. SP2MKI 524 498 1979 212 419548
13. F5SGI 616 547 1929 215 414735
14. M1X 494 479 2046 198 405108
15. PA3AAV 609 524 1921 210 403410
16. EA1X 560 512 1751 219 383469
17. I2IFT 461 424 1660 219 363540
18. M4N 400 385 1841 190 349790
19. LA8HGA 558 514 1771 193 341803
20. OZ3SM 466 414 1470 217 318990
21. UR3QX 400 381 1665 191 318015
22. DL6KVA 521 468 1587 179 284073
23. OZ5W 506 432 1504 182 273728
24. YO3LW 417 386 1367 175 239225
25. HG5E 439 391 1341 165 221265
26. LZ2XA 399 354 1242 174 216108
27. MM4D 364 339 1178 152 179056
28. UV1IX 356 313 1190 143 170170
29. PA5FN 300 283 1202 140 168280
30. EW8OM 299 280 1155 141 162855
31. F6AUS 304 279 1075 151 162325
32. S59AA 351 311 1099 143 157157
33. PC4H 251 241 1155 136 157080
34. SM6NT 325 301 1017 153 155601
35. UA4CC 318 285 967 156 150852
36. OK1OA 302 271 946 149 140954
37. YO6OEV 305 278 848 121 102608
38. OH6BA 162 154 698 120 83760
39. R4BZ 124 112 492 90 44280
40. RL3T 129 118 488 87 42456
41. UR5WX 120 115 478 77 36806
42. DF5BX 106 80 279 59 16461
43. YO3GNF 72 63 248 50 12400
44. OK1PBU 37 33 126 33 4158
45. YU7KW 29 24 78 24 1872
3. Continent: NA
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. K4RUM 205 187 876 112 98112
2. WA4JUK 197 175 764 102 77928
3. AK1MD 126 111 576 92 52992
4. K6AR 118 104 560 83 46480
5. K4BAI 93 79 325 55 17875


Scores: "NON-TRC members / SO-AB-CW-LP"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. R7MM 974 929 3695 296 1093720 Plaque
2. RA9AP 728 681 3231 245 791595 Certificate
3. HA6NL 738 698 2760 261 720360 Certificate
4. RA3AN 760 683 2709 222 601398 Certificate
5. SM5CSS 653 616 2333 254 592582 Certificate
6. UN3M 672 628 2656 214 568384 Certificate
7. S52W 583 565 2216 246 545136 Certificate
8. UA4FCO 772 568 2063 240 495120
9. UA3RBR 674 611 2347 210 492870  
10. IZ4JMA 601 557 2251 206 463706 Certificate
11. UA3MIF 408 385 2018 223 450014  
12. OM7LW 534 500 1855 242 448910 Certificate
13. YL1YF 591 556 2064 214 441696 Certificate
14. RK3P 574 550 2020 217 438340
15. ZA1RR 501 464 1829 231 422499 Certificate
16. SM6TOL 551 526 1927 186 358422
17. IT9LKX 386 367 1567 203 318101  
18. SE5T 442 421 1789 175 313075
19. EA3NO 417 385 1653 188 310764 Certificate
20. RV3ZN 455 428 1677 184 308568
21. YL2PJ 365 352 1514 195 295230  
22. OK1MDK 408 381 1596 180 287280 Certificate
23. PA2TA 428 417 1594 178 283732 Certificate
24. YT7X 470 447 1566 181 283446 Certificate
25. SD6M 450 421 1661 168 279048  
26. RK3LC 381 351 1433 191 273703
27. RA3BQ 390 366 1403 192 269376  
28. SC6O 464 424 1497 179 267963
29. JA6GCE 514 414 1640 161 264040 Certificate
30. EX8MJ 328 305 1520 168 255360 Certificate
31. DL5KUD 371 347 1334 179 238786 Certificate
32. RN4AO 454 392 1394 160 223040
33. DK2FG 426 400 1441 153 220473  
34. HA2EOU 335 320 1305 166 216630
35. 4X1ST 314 288 1304 158 206032 Certificate
36. UT4LW 300 284 1259 159 200181 Certificate
37. HA5AX 377 343 1389 141 195849  
38. IK5MEP 430 408 1320 147 194040
39. RA7R 315 298 1187 162 192294  
40. PA2W 326 310 1134 160 181440
41. PA2A 351 338 1241 146 181186  
42. PA3ARM 351 332 1246 145 180670
43. HA6KG 232 222 1052 165 173580  
44. SP2DKI 317 302 1144 148 169312 Certificate
45. R0RG 281 257 1194 138 164772  
46. YO4GO 315 302 1113 144 160272 Certificate
47. SP2GMA 265 259 1088 144 156672  
48. RA7KY 300 261 1145 136 155720
49. SQ1BVG 239 223 1016 149 151384  
50. UA3PSV 282 236 1000 141 141000
51. R1QE 210 201 926 146 135196  
52. UR7EC 215 202 888 152 134976
53. DJ5QV 239 227 947 141 133527  
54. OK4RQ 207 200 971 136 132056
55. DL6UD 234 224 923 138 127374  
56. R4PBJ 218 202 889 142 126238
57. PA2DK 273 246 948 133 126084  
58. DJ1OJ 200 197 896 137 122752
59. SF6W 307 297 957 128 122496  
60. HA3GC 240 223 933 129 120357
61. SO5WD 241 224 990 121 119790  
62. DL4YR 288 274 942 126 118692
63. SP2R 201 192 889 127 112903  
64. RW9AV 220 208 953 113 107689
65. HA6QS 233 217 814 131 106634  
66. PA0CT 201 196 831 127 105537
67. RT4W 202 182 791 131 103621  
68. OM3CFR 225 209 804 126 101304
69. EC3A 273 249 796 123 97908  
70. IK4RVY 303 190 834 109 90906
71. OH3MZ 202 188 757 119 90083  
72. SF6J 230 219 753 119 89607
73. DF7CP 175 166 671 131 87901  
74. OK1DVA 210 203 857 102 87414
75. OK2BFN 214 199 688 126 86688  
76. VA3TNM 212 186 810 107 86670
77. R9XS 200 184 779 110 85690  
78. UA4FDL 200 168 736 116 85376
79. OK5SA 170 158 721 117 84357  
80. DJ0YI 255 201 770 107 82390
81. RW9DX 170 163 721 111 80031  
82. UR7VA 179 172 775 100 77500
83. OH6LW 226 177 642 113 72546  
84. RT6N 171 155 674 102 68748
85. IZ8EYP 230 200 620 108 66960  
86. EA7BEZ 175 170 619 108 66852
87. ON4CT 219 181 594 109 64746  
88. RT1I 175 158 619 94 58186
89. LA7SI 120 110 592 94 55648  
90. IK3TCK 115 110 529 95 50255
91. DJ5CW 161 146 554 88 48752  
92. SO5N 105 98 516 90 46440
93. RM2R 123 103 481 95 45695  
94. YL2NK 112 101 459 92 42228
95. RA4Y 111 104 497 84 41748  
96. E72U 132 130 443 94 41642
97. UX2HB 130 117 457 90 41130  
98. EA5DO 114 102 411 98 40278
99. DM7W 138 131 470 80 37600  
100. F5JU 100 96 462 79 36498
101. PC6R 150 134 448 80 35840  
102. S55N 170 147 457 76 34732
103. UA9XX 153 129 416 83 34528  
104. UC5D 121 110 416 79 32864
105. UA3R 121 97 419 77 32263  
106. G5C 100 92 423 76 32148
107. PA2VS 103 98 468 62 29016  
108. UA3SDN 87 82 376 72 27072
109. LZ2LE 121 95 322 84 27048  
110. SE6K 100 84 337 76 25612
111. M0TJU 101 95 344 73 25112  
112. LB2WD 116 103 367 67 24589
113. OK1FMJ 111 106 374 65 24310  
114. UW3WF 70 66 354 68 24072
115. R3PIQ 82 70 373 61 22753  
116. LB4UH 111 100 311 71 22081
117. F8DFP 125 90 304 64 19456  
118. I3YPD 79 64 286 62 17732
119. EA6NB 111 103 309 57 17613  
120. IZ5BBS 95 90 323 54 17442
121. DJ1MM 70 69 289 58 16762  
122. OK1FCA 69 67 286 54 15444
123. IK2IKW 73 63 235 63 14805  
124. UR4LIN 76 68 299 48 14352
125. HA9TA 61 55 247 45 11115  
126. DF6RI 70 62 240 45 10800
127. G4ETS 52 48 202 45 9090  
128. IK2AUK 51 41 198 45 8910
129. G7D 54 47 224 38 8512  
130. OE1CIW 68 59 194 43 8342
131. HB9BXQ 50 49 180 46 8280  
132. EA6/GM3ZDH 44 38 177 43 7611
133. G4ZYU 58 36 138 39 5382  
134. G3RTU 46 38 146 30 4380
135. IK0PXD 35 23 114 29 3306  
136. IU5HES 35 25 97 27 2619
137. IC8FBU 70 41 97 27 2619  
138. IS0LYN 25 20 86 20 1720
139. DS1TUW 25 22 48 15 720  
140. IU5QUO 5 3 3 3 9
1. Country: Albania
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. ZA1RR 501 464 1829 231 422499
2. Country: Asiatic Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RA9AP 728 681 3231 245 791595
2. R0RG 281 257 1194 138 164772
3. RW9AV 220 208 953 113 107689
4. RW9DX 170 163 721 111 80031
3. Country: Austria
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OE1CIW 68 59 194 43 8342
4. Country: Balearic Islands
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. EA6NB 111 103 309 57 17613
2. EA6/GM3ZDH 44 38 177 43 7611
5. Country: Belgium
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. ON4CT 219 181 594 109 64746
6. Country: Bosnia-Herzegovina
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. E72U 132 130 443 94 41642
7. Country: Bulgaria
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LZ2LE 121 95 322 84 27048
8. Country: Canada
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. VA3TNM 212 186 810 107 86670
9. Country: Czech Republic
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OK1MDK 408 381 1596 180 287280
2. OK4RQ 207 200 971 136 132056
3. OK1DVA 210 203 857 102 87414
4. OK2BFN 214 199 688 126 86688
5. OK5SA 170 158 721 117 84357
6. OK1FMJ 111 106 374 65 24310
7. OK1FCA 69 67 286 54 15444
10. Country: England
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. G5C 100 92 423 76 32148
2. M0TJU 101 95 344 73 25112
3. G4ETS 52 48 202 45 9090
4. G7D 54 47 224 38 8512
5. G4ZYU 58 36 138 39 5382
6. G3RTU 46 38 146 30 4380
11. Country: European Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. R7MM 974 929 3695 296 1093720
2. RA3AN 760 683 2709 222 601398
3. UA4FCO 772 568 2063 240 495120
4. UA3RBR 674 611 2347 210 492870
5. UA3MIF 408 385 2018 223 450014
6. RK3P 574 550 2020 217 438340
7. RV3ZN 455 428 1677 184 308568
8. RK3LC 381 351 1433 191 273703
9. RA3BQ 390 366 1403 192 269376
10. RN4AO 454 392 1394 160 223040
11. RA7R 315 298 1187 162 192294
12. RA7KY 300 261 1145 136 155720
13. UA3PSV 282 236 1000 141 141000
14. R1QE 210 201 926 146 135196
15. R4PBJ 218 202 889 142 126238
16. RT4W 202 182 791 131 103621
17. R9XS 200 184 779 110 85690
18. UA4FDL 200 168 736 116 85376
19. RT6N 171 155 674 102 68748
20. RT1I 175 158 619 94 58186
21. RM2R 123 103 481 95 45695
22. RA4Y 111 104 497 84 41748
23. UA9XX 153 129 416 83 34528
24. UC5D 121 110 416 79 32864
25. UA3R 121 97 419 77 32263
26. UA3SDN 87 82 376 72 27072
27. R3PIQ 82 70 373 61 22753
12. Country: Fed. Rep. of Germany
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. DL5KUD 371 347 1334 179 238786
2. DK2FG 426 400 1441 153 220473
3. DJ5QV 239 227 947 141 133527
4. DL6UD 234 224 923 138 127374
5. DJ1OJ 200 197 896 137 122752
6. DL4YR 288 274 942 126 118692
7. DF7CP 175 166 671 131 87901
8. DJ0YI 255 201 770 107 82390
9. DJ5CW 161 146 554 88 48752
10. DM7W 138 131 470 80 37600
11. DJ1MM 70 69 289 58 16762
12. DF6RI 70 62 240 45 10800
13. Country: Finland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OH3MZ 202 188 757 119 90083
2. OH6LW 226 177 642 113 72546
14. Country: France
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. F5JU 100 96 462 79 36498
2. F8DFP 125 90 304 64 19456
15. Country: Hungary
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. HA6NL 738 698 2760 261 720360
2. HA2EOU 335 320 1305 166 216630
3. HA5AX 377 343 1389 141 195849
4. HA6KG 232 222 1052 165 173580
5. HA3GC 240 223 933 129 120357
6. HA6QS 233 217 814 131 106634
7. HA9TA 61 55 247 45 11115
16. Country: Israel
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. 4X1ST 314 288 1304 158 206032
17. Country: Italy
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. IZ4JMA 601 557 2251 206 463706
2. IK5MEP 430 408 1320 147 194040
3. IK4RVY 303 190 834 109 90906
4. IZ8EYP 230 200 620 108 66960
5. IK3TCK 115 110 529 95 50255
6. I3YPD 79 64 286 62 17732
7. IZ5BBS 95 90 323 54 17442
8. IK2IKW 73 63 235 63 14805
9. IK2AUK 51 41 198 45 8910
10. IK0PXD 35 23 114 29 3306
11. IU5HES 35 25 97 27 2619
12. IC8FBU 70 41 97 27 2619
13. IU5QUO 5 3 3 3 9
18. Country: Japan
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. JA6GCE 514 414 1640 161 264040
19. Country: Kazakhstan
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UN3M 672 628 2656 214 568384
20. Country: Kyrgyzstan
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. EX8MJ 328 305 1520 168 255360
21. Country: Latvia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YL1YF 591 556 2064 214 441696
2. YL2PJ 365 352 1514 195 295230
3. YL2NK 112 101 459 92 42228
22. Country: Netherlands
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PA2TA 428 417 1594 178 283732
2. PA2W 326 310 1134 160 181440
3. PA2A 351 338 1241 146 181186
4. PA3ARM 351 332 1246 145 180670
5. PA2DK 273 246 948 133 126084
6. PA0CT 201 196 831 127 105537
7. PC6R 150 134 448 80 35840
8. PA2VS 103 98 468 62 29016
23. Country: Norway
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LA7SI 120 110 592 94 55648
2. LB2WD 116 103 367 67 24589
3. LB4UH 111 100 311 71 22081
24. Country: Poland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SP2DKI 317 302 1144 148 169312
2. SP2GMA 265 259 1088 144 156672
3. SQ1BVG 239 223 1016 149 151384
4. SO5WD 241 224 990 121 119790
5. SP2R 201 192 889 127 112903
6. SO5N 105 98 516 90 46440
25. Country: Republic of Korea
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. DS1TUW 25 22 48 15 720
26. Country: Romania
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YO4GO 315 302 1113 144 160272
27. Country: Sardinia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. IS0LYN 25 20 86 20 1720
28. Country: Serbia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YT7X 470 447 1566 181 283446
29. Country: Sicily
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. IT9LKX 386 367 1567 203 318101
30. Country: Slovak Republic
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OM7LW 534 500 1855 242 448910
2. OM3CFR 225 209 804 126 101304
31. Country: Slovenia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. S52W 583 565 2216 246 545136
2. S55N 170 147 457 76 34732
32. Country: Spain
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. EA3NO 417 385 1653 188 310764
2. EC3A 273 249 796 123 97908
3. EA7BEZ 175 170 619 108 66852
4. EA5DO 114 102 411 98 40278
33. Country: Sweden
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SM5CSS 653 616 2333 254 592582
2. SM6TOL 551 526 1927 186 358422
3. SE5T 442 421 1789 175 313075
4. SD6M 450 421 1661 168 279048
5. SC6O 464 424 1497 179 267963
6. SF6W 307 297 957 128 122496
7. SF6J 230 219 753 119 89607
8. SE6K 100 84 337 76 25612
34. Country: Switzerland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. HB9BXQ 50 49 180 46 8280
35. Country: Ukraine
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UT4LW 300 284 1259 159 200181
2. UR7EC 215 202 888 152 134976
3. UR7VA 179 172 775 100 77500
4. UX2HB 130 117 457 90 41130
5. UW3WF 70 66 354 68 24072
6. UR4LIN 76 68 299 48 14352
1. Continent: AS
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RA9AP 728 681 3231 245 791595
2. UN3M 672 628 2656 214 568384
3. JA6GCE 514 414 1640 161 264040
4. EX8MJ 328 305 1520 168 255360
5. 4X1ST 314 288 1304 158 206032
6. R0RG 281 257 1194 138 164772
7. RW9AV 220 208 953 113 107689
8. RW9DX 170 163 721 111 80031
9. DS1TUW 25 22 48 15 720
2. Continent: EU
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. R7MM 974 929 3695 296 1093720
2. HA6NL 738 698 2760 261 720360
3. RA3AN 760 683 2709 222 601398
4. SM5CSS 653 616 2333 254 592582
5. S52W 583 565 2216 246 545136
6. UA4FCO 772 568 2063 240 495120
7. UA3RBR 674 611 2347 210 492870
8. IZ4JMA 601 557 2251 206 463706
9. UA3MIF 408 385 2018 223 450014
10. OM7LW 534 500 1855 242 448910
11. YL1YF 591 556 2064 214 441696
12. RK3P 574 550 2020 217 438340
13. ZA1RR 501 464 1829 231 422499
14. SM6TOL 551 526 1927 186 358422
15. IT9LKX 386 367 1567 203 318101
16. SE5T 442 421 1789 175 313075
17. EA3NO 417 385 1653 188 310764
18. RV3ZN 455 428 1677 184 308568
19. YL2PJ 365 352 1514 195 295230
20. OK1MDK 408 381 1596 180 287280
21. PA2TA 428 417 1594 178 283732
22. YT7X 470 447 1566 181 283446
23. SD6M 450 421 1661 168 279048
24. RK3LC 381 351 1433 191 273703
25. RA3BQ 390 366 1403 192 269376
26. SC6O 464 424 1497 179 267963
27. DL5KUD 371 347 1334 179 238786
28. RN4AO 454 392 1394 160 223040
29. DK2FG 426 400 1441 153 220473
30. HA2EOU 335 320 1305 166 216630
31. UT4LW 300 284 1259 159 200181
32. HA5AX 377 343 1389 141 195849
33. IK5MEP 430 408 1320 147 194040
34. RA7R 315 298 1187 162 192294
35. PA2W 326 310 1134 160 181440
36. PA2A 351 338 1241 146 181186
37. PA3ARM 351 332 1246 145 180670
38. HA6KG 232 222 1052 165 173580
39. SP2DKI 317 302 1144 148 169312
40. YO4GO 315 302 1113 144 160272
41. SP2GMA 265 259 1088 144 156672
42. RA7KY 300 261 1145 136 155720
43. SQ1BVG 239 223 1016 149 151384
44. UA3PSV 282 236 1000 141 141000
45. R1QE 210 201 926 146 135196
46. UR7EC 215 202 888 152 134976
47. DJ5QV 239 227 947 141 133527
48. OK4RQ 207 200 971 136 132056
49. DL6UD 234 224 923 138 127374
50. R4PBJ 218 202 889 142 126238
51. PA2DK 273 246 948 133 126084
52. DJ1OJ 200 197 896 137 122752
53. SF6W 307 297 957 128 122496
54. HA3GC 240 223 933 129 120357
55. SO5WD 241 224 990 121 119790
56. DL4YR 288 274 942 126 118692
57. SP2R 201 192 889 127 112903
58. HA6QS 233 217 814 131 106634
59. PA0CT 201 196 831 127 105537
60. RT4W 202 182 791 131 103621
61. OM3CFR 225 209 804 126 101304
62. EC3A 273 249 796 123 97908
63. IK4RVY 303 190 834 109 90906
64. OH3MZ 202 188 757 119 90083
65. SF6J 230 219 753 119 89607
66. DF7CP 175 166 671 131 87901
67. OK1DVA 210 203 857 102 87414
68. OK2BFN 214 199 688 126 86688
69. R9XS 200 184 779 110 85690
70. UA4FDL 200 168 736 116 85376
71. OK5SA 170 158 721 117 84357
72. DJ0YI 255 201 770 107 82390
73. UR7VA 179 172 775 100 77500
74. OH6LW 226 177 642 113 72546
75. RT6N 171 155 674 102 68748
76. IZ8EYP 230 200 620 108 66960
77. EA7BEZ 175 170 619 108 66852
78. ON4CT 219 181 594 109 64746
79. RT1I 175 158 619 94 58186
80. LA7SI 120 110 592 94 55648
81. IK3TCK 115 110 529 95 50255
82. DJ5CW 161 146 554 88 48752
83. SO5N 105 98 516 90 46440
84. RM2R 123 103 481 95 45695
85. YL2NK 112 101 459 92 42228
86. RA4Y 111 104 497 84 41748
87. E72U 132 130 443 94 41642
88. UX2HB 130 117 457 90 41130
89. EA5DO 114 102 411 98 40278
90. DM7W 138 131 470 80 37600
91. F5JU 100 96 462 79 36498
92. PC6R 150 134 448 80 35840
93. S55N 170 147 457 76 34732
94. UA9XX 153 129 416 83 34528
95. UC5D 121 110 416 79 32864
96. UA3R 121 97 419 77 32263
97. G5C 100 92 423 76 32148
98. PA2VS 103 98 468 62 29016
99. UA3SDN 87 82 376 72 27072
100. LZ2LE 121 95 322 84 27048
101. SE6K 100 84 337 76 25612
102. M0TJU 101 95 344 73 25112
103. LB2WD 116 103 367 67 24589
104. OK1FMJ 111 106 374 65 24310
105. UW3WF 70 66 354 68 24072
106. R3PIQ 82 70 373 61 22753
107. LB4UH 111 100 311 71 22081
108. F8DFP 125 90 304 64 19456
109. I3YPD 79 64 286 62 17732
110. EA6NB 111 103 309 57 17613
111. IZ5BBS 95 90 323 54 17442
112. DJ1MM 70 69 289 58 16762
113. OK1FCA 69 67 286 54 15444
114. IK2IKW 73 63 235 63 14805
115. UR4LIN 76 68 299 48 14352
116. HA9TA 61 55 247 45 11115
117. DF6RI 70 62 240 45 10800
118. G4ETS 52 48 202 45 9090
119. IK2AUK 51 41 198 45 8910
120. G7D 54 47 224 38 8512
121. OE1CIW 68 59 194 43 8342
122. HB9BXQ 50 49 180 46 8280
123. EA6/GM3ZDH 44 38 177 43 7611
124. G4ZYU 58 36 138 39 5382
125. G3RTU 46 38 146 30 4380
126. IK0PXD 35 23 114 29 3306
127. IU5HES 35 25 97 27 2619
128. IC8FBU 70 41 97 27 2619
129. IS0LYN 25 20 86 20 1720
130. IU5QUO 5 3 3 3 9
3. Continent: NA
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. VA3TNM 212 186 810 107 86670


Scores: "NON-TRC members / SO-AB-SSB-HP"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. F1PNJ 15 13 85 17 1445 Certificate
2. IZ8EQG 5 4 31 7 217
1. Country: France
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. F1PNJ 15 13 85 17 1445
2. Country: Italy
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. IZ8EQG 5 4 31 7 217


Scores: "NON-TRC members / SO-AB-SSB-LP"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. SP3DFB 16 13 85 19 1615 Certificate
2. LZ1ZLI 9 8 53 13 689
3. YT3ABW 44 9 54 12 648  
4. M0KIW 58 13 31 13 403
5. EA2EXN 20 7 35 9 315  
6. UA6YN 8 5 33 8 264
7. SQ3TGN 5 5 32 8 256  
8. 2M0YTN 4 4 31 7 217
9. PY5FO 24 5 26 7 182  
10. IT9FRX 9 5 23 6 138
11. PD2AH 4 4 22 6 132  
12. PD0HRY 3 3 21 5 105
1. Country: Brazil
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PY5FO 24 5 26 7 182
2. Country: Bulgaria
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LZ1ZLI 9 8 53 13 689
3. Country: England
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. M0KIW 58 13 31 13 403
4. Country: European Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UA6YN 8 5 33 8 264
5. Country: Netherlands
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PD2AH 4 4 22 6 132
2. PD0HRY 3 3 21 5 105
6. Country: Poland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SP3DFB 16 13 85 19 1615
2. SQ3TGN 5 5 32 8 256
7. Country: Scotland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. 2M0YTN 4 4 31 7 217
8. Country: Serbia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YT3ABW 44 9 54 12 648
9. Country: Sicily
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. IT9FRX 9 5 23 6 138
10. Country: Spain
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. EA2EXN 20 7 35 9 315
1. Continent: EU
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SP3DFB 16 13 85 19 1615
2. LZ1ZLI 9 8 53 13 689
3. YT3ABW 44 9 54 12 648
4. M0KIW 58 13 31 13 403
5. EA2EXN 20 7 35 9 315
6. UA6YN 8 5 33 8 264
7. SQ3TGN 5 5 32 8 256
8. 2M0YTN 4 4 31 7 217
9. IT9FRX 9 5 23 6 138
10. PD2AH 4 4 22 6 132
11. PD0HRY 3 3 21 5 105
2. Continent: SA
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PY5FO 24 5 26 7 182


Scores: "NON-TRC members / SO-TB-HP"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. SP2QG 793 752 2779 193 536347 Plaque
2. RN6A 756 684 2724 196 533904 Certificate
3. R8LA 603 537 2398 195 467610 Certificate
4. OY1CT 771 691 2389 178 425242 Certificate
5. UN0LM 424 399 2004 169 338676 Certificate
6. OZ1CTZ 464 401 1636 163 266668 Certificate
7. LZ7R 440 417 1438 153 220014 Certificate
8. SQ9TX 298 284 993 114 113202 Certificate
9. IV3IPS 314 272 949 113 107237 Certificate
10. YL3GX 260 236 916 98 89768 Certificate
11. OT6E 304 262 903 97 87591 Certificate
12. PY3TD 210 148 655 86 56330
13. OK2PF 140 128 507 86 43602  
14. NS0R 141 123 538 75 40350
15. RA3NC 101 94 480 81 38880  
16. K1ZZ 124 122 491 79 38789
17. IK0YVV 190 166 461 83 38263  
18. G1SCT 135 126 494 77 38038
19. LY2AX 132 120 527 69 36363  
20. K3IE 137 127 516 66 34056
21. LZ8E 137 124 452 73 32996  
22. RU4PU 107 97 378 63 23814
23. N9RV 104 92 382 55 21010  
24. AZ1A 98 82 322 60 19320
25. UR7R 93 76 305 60 18300  
26. ZD7BG 106 80 368 49 18032
27. SN7Q 82 75 276 59 16284  
28. WO4O 62 56 258 40 10320
29. OK1TN 74 66 220 46 10120  
30. IU0PVM 73 59 197 49 9653
31. N4BP 50 47 208 37 7696  
32. PE1PIX 54 35 145 35 5075
33. PY2EX 58 40 144 32 4608  
1. Country: Argentina
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. AZ1A 98 82 322 60 19320
2. Country: Asiatic Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. R8LA 603 537 2398 195 467610
3. Country: Belgium
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OT6E 304 262 903 97 87591
4. Country: Brazil
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PY3TD 210 148 655 86 56330
2. PY2EX 58 40 144 32 4608
5. Country: Bulgaria
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LZ7R 440 417 1438 153 220014
2. LZ8E 137 124 452 73 32996
6. Country: Czech Republic
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OK2PF 140 128 507 86 43602
2. OK1TN 74 66 220 46 10120
7. Country: Denmark
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OZ1CTZ 464 401 1636 163 266668
8. Country: England
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. G1SCT 135 126 494 77 38038
9. Country: European Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RN6A 756 684 2724 196 533904
2. RA3NC 101 94 480 81 38880
3. RU4PU 107 97 378 63 23814
10. Country: Faroe Islands
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OY1CT 771 691 2389 178 425242
11. Country: Italy
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. IV3IPS 314 272 949 113 107237
2. IK0YVV 190 166 461 83 38263
3. IU0PVM 73 59 197 49 9653
12. Country: Kazakhstan
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UN0LM 424 399 2004 169 338676
13. Country: Latvia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YL3GX 260 236 916 98 89768
14. Country: Lithuania
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LY2AX 132 120 527 69 36363
15. Country: Netherlands
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PE1PIX 54 35 145 35 5075
16. Country: Poland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SP2QG 793 752 2779 193 536347
2. SQ9TX 298 284 993 114 113202
3. SN7Q 82 75 276 59 16284
17. Country: St. Helena
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. ZD7BG 106 80 368 49 18032
18. Country: Ukraine
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UR7R 93 76 305 60 18300
19. Country: United States
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. NS0R 141 123 538 75 40350
2. K1ZZ 124 122 491 79 38789
3. K3IE 137 127 516 66 34056
4. N9RV 104 92 382 55 21010
5. WO4O 62 56 258 40 10320
6. N4BP 50 47 208 37 7696
1. Continent: AF
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. ZD7BG 106 80 368 49 18032
2. Continent: AS
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. R8LA 603 537 2398 195 467610
2. UN0LM 424 399 2004 169 338676
3. Continent: EU
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SP2QG 793 752 2779 193 536347
2. RN6A 756 684 2724 196 533904
3. OY1CT 771 691 2389 178 425242
4. OZ1CTZ 464 401 1636 163 266668
5. LZ7R 440 417 1438 153 220014
6. SQ9TX 298 284 993 114 113202
7. IV3IPS 314 272 949 113 107237
8. YL3GX 260 236 916 98 89768
9. OT6E 304 262 903 97 87591
10. OK2PF 140 128 507 86 43602
11. RA3NC 101 94 480 81 38880
12. IK0YVV 190 166 461 83 38263
13. G1SCT 135 126 494 77 38038
14. LY2AX 132 120 527 69 36363
15. LZ8E 137 124 452 73 32996
16. RU4PU 107 97 378 63 23814
17. UR7R 93 76 305 60 18300
18. SN7Q 82 75 276 59 16284
19. OK1TN 74 66 220 46 10120
20. IU0PVM 73 59 197 49 9653
21. PE1PIX 54 35 145 35 5075
4. Continent: NA
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. NS0R 141 123 538 75 40350
2. K1ZZ 124 122 491 79 38789
3. K3IE 137 127 516 66 34056
4. N9RV 104 92 382 55 21010
5. WO4O 62 56 258 40 10320
6. N4BP 50 47 208 37 7696
5. Continent: SA
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PY3TD 210 148 655 86 56330
2. AZ1A 98 82 322 60 19320
3. PY2EX 58 40 144 32 4608


Scores: "NON-TRC members / SO-TB-LP"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. UN8PT 572 542 2379 176 418704 Pllaque
2. UA9CTT 461 430 1954 168 328272 Certificate
3. YU1YV 442 422 1770 164 290280 Certificate
4. RA8A 350 319 1451 146 211846
5. CT1DRB 437 403 1453 145 210685 Certificate
6. Z35F 456 419 1383 130 179790 Certificate
7. Z33B 304 282 1072 123 131856  
8. RN4SC 220 207 931 116 107996 Certificate
9. US7UC 222 211 891 119 106029 Certificate
10. SP7OGP 209 197 864 110 95040
11. IK8UND 268 256 859 108 92772 Certificate
12. RQ9O 208 183 804 102 82008
13. PA3GDD 203 191 736 100 73600  
14. YL3GQ 206 194 784 89 69776
15. K0EA 178 156 721 85 61285  
16. PG2AA 247 219 690 83 57270 Certificate
17. YU1ML 223 198 674 74 49876  
18. RA1QN 147 131 464 86 39904
19. YO7ARZ 138 130 470 83 39010  
20. PD7CJT 110 106 511 72 36792
21. PA0JED 126 118 459 76 34884  
22. OK1DKE 115 105 466 65 30290
23. OK1DXX 100 91 434 66 28644  
24. CT1EHK 111 99 322 76 24472
25. IU6AIG 77 61 338 69 23322  
26. EA4XT 106 79 335 68 22780
27. Z32ID 141 116 307 68 20876  
28. PC7E 90 79 331 59 19529
29. LZ1VKD 102 95 421 46 19366  
30. IU0PJS 70 63 297 64 19008
31. LY2F 82 80 319 57 18183  
32. DL8MAS 100 91 330 54 17820
33. RZ9YI 83 72 304 55 16720  
34. M0NJW 70 58 285 52 14820
35. SP5DJ 64 61 305 46 14030  
36. YT100RB 84 75 238 56 13328
37. SP6BEN 55 53 250 49 12250  
38. IU4CHJ 69 55 228 48 10944
39. HA7MF 56 51 200 52 10400  
40. UA4LCC 51 50 214 44 9416
41. OK1PFM 43 42 216 43 9288  
42. PD0HF 56 48 197 46 9062
43. R4WAE 51 49 210 42 8820  
44. BG0DLA 54 49 202 39 7878
45. VA3IK 45 40 186 42 7812  
46. PA2CHM 55 45 199 37 7363
47. IK2QIK 55 44 179 34 6086  
48. RC0CD 56 51 176 34 5984
49. RA3VE 54 45 147 34 4998  
50. RN1B 35 33 135 36 4860
51. 4Z4YA 49 32 138 29 4002  
52. EA5OH 51 45 117 30 3510
53. DL1NKB 33 29 85 24 2040  
54. ON4LY 25 22 97 17 1649
55. VA3FN 20 14 67 17 1139  
56. PD5BS 25 16 62 18 1116
57. PA7KY 22 19 55 18 990  
58. LZ1VCT 10 10 46 14 644
59. S53TG 23 13 58 9 522  
60. W4CMG 6 5 34 8 272
61. M5Z 4 4 22 6 132  
1. Country: Asiatic Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UA9CTT 461 430 1954 168 328272
2. RA8A 350 319 1451 146 211846
3. RQ9O 208 183 804 102 82008
4. RZ9YI 83 72 304 55 16720
5. RC0CD 56 51 176 34 5984
2. Country: Belgium
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. ON4LY 25 22 97 17 1649
3. Country: Bulgaria
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LZ1VKD 102 95 421 46 19366
2. LZ1VCT 10 10 46 14 644
4. Country: Canada
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. VA3IK 45 40 186 42 7812
2. VA3FN 20 14 67 17 1139
5. Country: China
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. BG0DLA 54 49 202 39 7878
6. Country: Czech Republic
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OK1DKE 115 105 466 65 30290
2. OK1DXX 100 91 434 66 28644
3. OK1PFM 43 42 216 43 9288
7. Country: England
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. M0NJW 70 58 285 52 14820
2. M5Z 4 4 22 6 132
8. Country: European Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RN4SC 220 207 931 116 107996
2. RA1QN 147 131 464 86 39904
3. UA4LCC 51 50 214 44 9416
4. R4WAE 51 49 210 42 8820
5. RA3VE 54 45 147 34 4998
6. RN1B 35 33 135 36 4860
9. Country: Fed. Rep. of Germany
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. DL8MAS 100 91 330 54 17820
2. DL1NKB 33 29 85 24 2040
10. Country: Hungary
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. HA7MF 56 51 200 52 10400
11. Country: Israel
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. 4Z4YA 49 32 138 29 4002
12. Country: Italy
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. IK8UND 268 256 859 108 92772
2. IU6AIG 77 61 338 69 23322
3. IU0PJS 70 63 297 64 19008
4. IU4CHJ 69 55 228 48 10944
5. IK2QIK 55 44 179 34 6086
13. Country: Kazakhstan
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UN8PT 572 542 2379 176 418704
14. Country: Latvia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YL3GQ 206 194 784 89 69776
15. Country: Lithuania
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LY2F 82 80 319 57 18183
16. Country: Macedonia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. Z35F 456 419 1383 130 179790
2. Z33B 304 282 1072 123 131856
3. Z32ID 141 116 307 68 20876
17. Country: Netherlands
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PA3GDD 203 191 736 100 73600
2. PG2AA 247 219 690 83 57270
3. PD7CJT 110 106 511 72 36792
4. PA0JED 126 118 459 76 34884
5. PC7E 90 79 331 59 19529
6. PD0HF 56 48 197 46 9062
7. PA2CHM 55 45 199 37 7363
8. PD5BS 25 16 62 18 1116
9. PA7KY 22 19 55 18 990
18. Country: Poland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SP7OGP 209 197 864 110 95040
2. SP5DJ 64 61 305 46 14030
3. SP6BEN 55 53 250 49 12250
19. Country: Portugal
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. CT1DRB 437 403 1453 145 210685
2. CT1EHK 111 99 322 76 24472
20. Country: Romania
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YO7ARZ 138 130 470 83 39010
21. Country: Serbia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YU1YV 442 422 1770 164 290280
2. YU1ML 223 198 674 74 49876
3. YT100RB 84 75 238 56 13328
22. Country: Slovenia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. S53TG 23 13 58 9 522
23. Country: Spain
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. EA4XT 106 79 335 68 22780
2. EA5OH 51 45 117 30 3510
24. Country: Ukraine
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. US7UC 222 211 891 119 106029
25. Country: United States
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. K0EA 178 156 721 85 61285
2. W4CMG 6 5 34 8 272
1. Continent: AS
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UN8PT 572 542 2379 176 418704
2. UA9CTT 461 430 1954 168 328272
3. RA8A 350 319 1451 146 211846
4. RQ9O 208 183 804 102 82008
5. RZ9YI 83 72 304 55 16720
6. BG0DLA 54 49 202 39 7878
7. RC0CD 56 51 176 34 5984
8. 4Z4YA 49 32 138 29 4002
2. Continent: EU
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YU1YV 442 422 1770 164 290280
2. CT1DRB 437 403 1453 145 210685
3. Z35F 456 419 1383 130 179790
4. Z33B 304 282 1072 123 131856
5. RN4SC 220 207 931 116 107996
6. US7UC 222 211 891 119 106029
7. SP7OGP 209 197 864 110 95040
8. IK8UND 268 256 859 108 92772
9. PA3GDD 203 191 736 100 73600
10. YL3GQ 206 194 784 89 69776
11. PG2AA 247 219 690 83 57270
12. YU1ML 223 198 674 74 49876
13. RA1QN 147 131 464 86 39904
14. YO7ARZ 138 130 470 83 39010
15. PD7CJT 110 106 511 72 36792
16. PA0JED 126 118 459 76 34884
17. OK1DKE 115 105 466 65 30290
18. OK1DXX 100 91 434 66 28644
19. CT1EHK 111 99 322 76 24472
20. IU6AIG 77 61 338 69 23322
21. EA4XT 106 79 335 68 22780
22. Z32ID 141 116 307 68 20876
23. PC7E 90 79 331 59 19529
24. LZ1VKD 102 95 421 46 19366
25. IU0PJS 70 63 297 64 19008
26. LY2F 82 80 319 57 18183
27. DL8MAS 100 91 330 54 17820
28. M0NJW 70 58 285 52 14820
29. SP5DJ 64 61 305 46 14030
30. YT100RB 84 75 238 56 13328
31. SP6BEN 55 53 250 49 12250
32. IU4CHJ 69 55 228 48 10944
33. HA7MF 56 51 200 52 10400
34. UA4LCC 51 50 214 44 9416
35. OK1PFM 43 42 216 43 9288
36. PD0HF 56 48 197 46 9062
37. R4WAE 51 49 210 42 8820
38. PA2CHM 55 45 199 37 7363
39. IK2QIK 55 44 179 34 6086
40. RA3VE 54 45 147 34 4998
41. RN1B 35 33 135 36 4860
42. EA5OH 51 45 117 30 3510
43. DL1NKB 33 29 85 24 2040
44. ON4LY 25 22 97 17 1649
45. PD5BS 25 16 62 18 1116
46. PA7KY 22 19 55 18 990
47. LZ1VCT 10 10 46 14 644
48. S53TG 23 13 58 9 522
49. M5Z 4 4 22 6 132
3. Continent: NA
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. K0EA 178 156 721 85 61285
2. VA3IK 45 40 186 42 7812
3. VA3FN 20 14 67 17 1139
4. W4CMG 6 5 34 8 272


Scores: "NON-TRC members / SO-10"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. UN5G 344 310 1304 69 89976 Certificate
2. RW0AJ 200 185 822 58 47676
3. EA1FEG 224 202 758 61 46238 Certificate
4. VU2TMP 121 105 399 48 19152
5. YO4FZX 108 102 313 39 12207  
6. F6IRA 88 73 247 46 11362
7. OH1NA 70 62 206 38 7828  
8. LB1UK 50 45 157 27 4239
9. JG6OZC 35 29 126 30 3780  
10. N4IU 16 14 66 15 990
11. OH9COG 12 12 52 13 676  
12. WB0POH 13 12 47 14 658
13. LU9GBR 15 12 39 12 468  
14. NN1SS 20 15 30 10 300
15. DU1WBX 7 7 22 6 132  
16. DL8WJM 7 7 20 6 120
17. IT9IJN 7 5 16 6 96  
18. PU1JSV 4 2 12 3 36
19. PY2BN 6 2 12 3 36  
20. JF2FIU 1 1 10 2 20
21. WB0LQC 1 1 10 2 20  
1. Country: Argentina
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LU9GBR 15 12 39 12 468
2. Country: Asiatic Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RW0AJ 200 185 822 58 47676
3. Country: Brazil
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PU1JSV 4 2 12 3 36
2. PY2BN 6 2 12 3 36
4. Country: Fed. Rep. of Germany
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. DL8WJM 7 7 20 6 120
5. Country: Finland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OH1NA 70 62 206 38 7828
2. OH9COG 12 12 52 13 676
6. Country: France
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. F6IRA 88 73 247 46 11362
7. Country: India
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. VU2TMP 121 105 399 48 19152
8. Country: Japan
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. JG6OZC 35 29 126 30 3780
2. JF2FIU 1 1 10 2 20
9. Country: Kazakhstan
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UN5G 344 310 1304 69 89976
10. Country: Norway
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LB1UK 50 45 157 27 4239
11. Country: Philippines
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. DU1WBX 7 7 22 6 132
12. Country: Romania
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YO4FZX 108 102 313 39 12207
13. Country: Sicily
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. IT9IJN 7 5 16 6 96
14. Country: Spain
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. EA1FEG 224 202 758 61 46238
15. Country: United States
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. N4IU 16 14 66 15 990
2. WB0POH 13 12 47 14 658
3. NN1SS 20 15 30 10 300
4. WB0LQC 1 1 10 2 20
1. Continent: AS
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UN5G 344 310 1304 69 89976
2. RW0AJ 200 185 822 58 47676
3. VU2TMP 121 105 399 48 19152
4. JG6OZC 35 29 126 30 3780
5. JF2FIU 1 1 10 2 20
2. Continent: EU
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. EA1FEG 224 202 758 61 46238
2. YO4FZX 108 102 313 39 12207
3. F6IRA 88 73 247 46 11362
4. OH1NA 70 62 206 38 7828
5. LB1UK 50 45 157 27 4239
6. OH9COG 12 12 52 13 676
7. DL8WJM 7 7 20 6 120
8. IT9IJN 7 5 16 6 96
3. Continent: NA
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. N4IU 16 14 66 15 990
2. WB0POH 13 12 47 14 658
3. NN1SS 20 15 30 10 300
4. WB0LQC 1 1 10 2 20
4. Continent: OC
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. DU1WBX 7 7 22 6 132
5. Continent: SA
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LU9GBR 15 12 39 12 468
2. PU1JSV 4 2 12 3 36
3. PY2BN 6 2 12 3 36


Scores: "NON-TRC members / SO-15"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. RX9CC 252 239 1044 65 67860 Certificate
2. UA6LCJ 217 207 854 66 56364 Certificate
3. HA5GF 252 231 858 64 54912 Certificate
4. UA9FGJ 111 104 449 55 24695
5. R4MA 100 96 371 42 15582  
6. UD6M 74 70 260 37 9620
7. OH7DIV 40 35 198 33 6534  
8. RL9L 54 52 220 28 6160
9. RU0LL 65 54 214 26 5564  
10. JO4MTH 1 1 10 2 20
11. JR3AAZ 1 1 2 1 2  
1. Country: Asiatic Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RX9CC 252 239 1044 65 67860
2. RL9L 54 52 220 28 6160
3. RU0LL 65 54 214 26 5564
2. Country: European Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UA6LCJ 217 207 854 66 56364
2. UA9FGJ 111 104 449 55 24695
3. R4MA 100 96 371 42 15582
4. UD6M 74 70 260 37 9620
3. Country: Finland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OH7DIV 40 35 198 33 6534
4. Country: Hungary
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. HA5GF 252 231 858 64 54912
5. Country: Japan
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. JO4MTH 1 1 10 2 20
2. JR3AAZ 1 1 2 1 2
1. Continent: AS
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RX9CC 252 239 1044 65 67860
2. RL9L 54 52 220 28 6160
3. RU0LL 65 54 214 26 5564
4. JO4MTH 1 1 10 2 20
5. JR3AAZ 1 1 2 1 2
2. Continent: EU
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UA6LCJ 217 207 854 66 56364
2. HA5GF 252 231 858 64 54912
3. UA9FGJ 111 104 449 55 24695
4. R4MA 100 96 371 42 15582
5. UD6M 74 70 260 37 9620
6. OH7DIV 40 35 198 33 6534


Scores: "NON-TRC members / SO-20"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. YT1A 497 367 1333 96 127968 Certificate
2. OG4Z 503 415 1385 80 110800 Certificate
3. DL1DTL 275 260 975 67 65325 Certificate
4. PG2V 213 203 771 80 61680 Certificate
5. SP9JZT 234 202 770 67 51590 Certificate
6. 9A9O 150 142 695 71 49345
7. SV1JG 240 224 774 61 47214 Certificate
8. LZ2MP 199 185 735 59 43365
9. EW1TZ 182 172 621 57 35397  
10. UA9CU 111 98 461 47 21667
11. OH8KA 145 131 397 49 19453  
12. DL100ANA 104 91 400 46 18400
13. YT5RA 78 76 249 38 9462  
14. LY2LF 64 56 237 38 9006
15. DD2CW 53 49 213 40 8520  
16. OH3BCX 34 32 185 23 4255
17. 2E0TII 76 40 141 30 4230  
18. YT5LD 37 22 121 21 2541
19. RN1AO 12 9 72 13 936  
20. SP3WKW 11 7 43 8 344
21. I5FIP 3 3 30 6 180  
1. Country: Asiatic Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UA9CU 111 98 461 47 21667
2. Country: Belarus
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. EW1TZ 182 172 621 57 35397
3. Country: Bulgaria
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LZ2MP 199 185 735 59 43365
4. Country: Croatia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. 9A9O 150 142 695 71 49345
5. Country: England
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. 2E0TII 76 40 141 30 4230
6. Country: European Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RN1AO 12 9 72 13 936
7. Country: Fed. Rep. of Germany
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. DL1DTL 275 260 975 67 65325
2. DL100ANA 104 91 400 46 18400
3. DD2CW 53 49 213 40 8520
8. Country: Finland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OG4Z 503 415 1385 80 110800
2. OH8KA 145 131 397 49 19453
3. OH3BCX 34 32 185 23 4255
9. Country: Greece
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SV1JG 240 224 774 61 47214
10. Country: Italy
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. I5FIP 3 3 30 6 180
11. Country: Lithuania
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LY2LF 64 56 237 38 9006
12. Country: Netherlands
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PG2V 213 203 771 80 61680
13. Country: Poland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SP9JZT 234 202 770 67 51590
2. SP3WKW 11 7 43 8 344
14. Country: Serbia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YT1A 497 367 1333 96 127968
2. YT5RA 78 76 249 38 9462
3. YT5LD 37 22 121 21 2541
1. Continent: AS
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UA9CU 111 98 461 47 21667
2. Continent: EU
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YT1A 497 367 1333 96 127968
2. OG4Z 503 415 1385 80 110800
3. DL1DTL 275 260 975 67 65325
4. PG2V 213 203 771 80 61680
5. SP9JZT 234 202 770 67 51590
6. 9A9O 150 142 695 71 49345
7. SV1JG 240 224 774 61 47214
8. LZ2MP 199 185 735 59 43365
9. EW1TZ 182 172 621 57 35397
10. OH8KA 145 131 397 49 19453
11. DL100ANA 104 91 400 46 18400
12. YT5RA 78 76 249 38 9462
13. LY2LF 64 56 237 38 9006
14. DD2CW 53 49 213 40 8520
15. OH3BCX 34 32 185 23 4255
16. 2E0TII 76 40 141 30 4230
17. YT5LD 37 22 121 21 2541
18. RN1AO 12 9 72 13 936
19. SP3WKW 11 7 43 8 344
20. I5FIP 3 3 30 6 180


Scores: "NON-TRC members / SO-40"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. SP4TKR 358 333 1197 73 87381 Certificate
2. R6CC 205 196 706 59 41654
3. OE1BAA 186 160 481 47 22607  
4. OE5TXF 130 115 347 51 17697
5. OH5ZA 62 60 270 38 10260  
6. UR1YAA 67 64 263 37 9731
7. 9A3A 38 31 88 21 1848  
8. ON4EM 25 24 51 14 714
1. Country: Austria
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OE1BAA 186 160 481 47 22607
2. OE5TXF 130 115 347 51 17697
2. Country: Belgium
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. ON4EM 25 24 51 14 714
3. Country: Croatia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. 9A3A 38 31 88 21 1848
4. Country: European Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. R6CC 205 196 706 59 41654
5. Country: Finland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OH5ZA 62 60 270 38 10260
6. Country: Poland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SP4TKR 358 333 1197 73 87381
7. Country: Ukraine
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UR1YAA 67 64 263 37 9731


Scores: "NON-TRC members / SO-80"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. SP4AWE 133 114 421 50 21050 Certificate
2. HA5OV 58 56 192 32 6144
3. OH8CZF 7 7 43 11 473  
1. Country: Finland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OH8CZF 7 7 43 11 473
2. Country: Hungary
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. HA5OV 58 56 192 32 6144
3. Country: Poland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SP4AWE 133 114 421 50 21050


Scores: "NON TRC members / SO-160 - Single Operator-160M-Mixed"


Scores: "NON-TRC members / MS"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. RK4HYT 525 479 2051 236 484036 Certificate
2. UR4QWW 128 104 397 89 35333
3. RW0S 8 7 29 9 261  
1. Country: Asiatic Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RW0S 8 7 29 9 261
2. Country: European Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RK4HYT 525 479 2051 236 484036
3. Country: Ukraine
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UR4QWW 128 104 397 89 35333
1. Continent: AS
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RW0S 8 7 29 9 261
2. Continent: EU
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RK4HYT 525 479 2051 236 484036
2. UR4QWW 128 104 397 89 35333


Scores: "NON-TRC members / SO-AB-QRP"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. YU3DX 498 459 1919 205 393395 Plaque
2. RW3AI 354 338 1445 182 262990 Certificate
3. UY7LM 341 321 1422 158 224676 Certificate
4. IZ3NVR 320 287 1041 154 160314 Certificate
5. HG6C 270 247 1005 135 135675 Certificate
6. OK5M 234 211 838 122 102236 Certificate
7. OH8TX 160 150 690 102 70380  
8. UV3RT 150 148 712 96 68352
9. RV3DBK 152 141 619 97 60043  
10. PA0RDT 163 145 589 87 51243
11. YO4TL 149 141 614 69 42366  
12. G4OZG 120 109 436 80 34880
13. HA4FY 146 133 549 51 27999  
14. HA0GK 115 90 406 51 20706
15. DF3SM 85 80 314 42 13188  
16. DK3IP 64 61 235 50 11750
17. YU1EW 87 79 245 41 10045  
18. UA0SBQ 43 40 175 35 6125
19. PA1B 43 34 161 37 5957  
20. LC2W 33 30 110 31 3410
21. F5IND 51 34 117 27 3159  
22. GM4HYG 50 35 100 29 2900
23. G0WED/A 26 22 76 23 1748  
24. DO6AN 24 18 75 15 1125
25. DL3AN 13 12 66 12 792  
26. DH9NAD/P 9 6 33 8 264
27. G1WVK 2 1 10 2 20  
28. AC2YD 3 2 4 1 4
1. Country: Asiatic Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UA0SBQ 43 40 175 35 6125
2. Country: Czech Republic
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OK5M 234 211 838 122 102236
3. Country: England
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. G4OZG 120 109 436 80 34880
2. G0WED/A 26 22 76 23 1748
3. G1WVK 2 1 10 2 20
4. Country: European Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RW3AI 354 338 1445 182 262990
2. RV3DBK 152 141 619 97 60043
5. Country: Fed. Rep. of Germany
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. DF3SM 85 80 314 42 13188
2. DK3IP 64 61 235 50 11750
3. DO6AN 24 18 75 15 1125
4. DL3AN 13 12 66 12 792
5. DH9NAD/P 9 6 33 8 264
6. Country: Finland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OH8TX 160 150 690 102 70380
7. Country: France
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. F5IND 51 34 117 27 3159
8. Country: Hungary
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. HG6C 270 247 1005 135 135675
2. HA4FY 146 133 549 51 27999
3. HA0GK 115 90 406 51 20706
9. Country: Italy
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. IZ3NVR 320 287 1041 154 160314
10. Country: Netherlands
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PA0RDT 163 145 589 87 51243
2. PA1B 43 34 161 37 5957
11. Country: Norway
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LC2W 33 30 110 31 3410
12. Country: Romania
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YO4TL 149 141 614 69 42366
13. Country: Serbia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YU3DX 498 459 1919 205 393395
2. YU1EW 87 79 245 41 10045
14. Country: Shetland Islands
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. GM4HYG 50 35 100 29 2900
15. Country: Ukraine
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UY7LM 341 321 1422 158 224676
2. UV3RT 150 148 712 96 68352
16. Country: United States
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. AC2YD 3 2 4 1 4
1. Continent: AS
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UA0SBQ 43 40 175 35 6125
2. Continent: EU
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YU3DX 498 459 1919 205 393395
2. RW3AI 354 338 1445 182 262990
3. UY7LM 341 321 1422 158 224676
4. IZ3NVR 320 287 1041 154 160314
5. HG6C 270 247 1005 135 135675
6. OK5M 234 211 838 122 102236
7. OH8TX 160 150 690 102 70380
8. UV3RT 150 148 712 96 68352
9. RV3DBK 152 141 619 97 60043
10. PA0RDT 163 145 589 87 51243
11. YO4TL 149 141 614 69 42366
12. G4OZG 120 109 436 80 34880
13. HA4FY 146 133 549 51 27999
14. HA0GK 115 90 406 51 20706
15. DF3SM 85 80 314 42 13188
16. DK3IP 64 61 235 50 11750
17. YU1EW 87 79 245 41 10045
18. PA1B 43 34 161 37 5957
19. LC2W 33 30 110 31 3410
20. F5IND 51 34 117 27 3159
21. GM4HYG 50 35 100 29 2900
22. G0WED/A 26 22 76 23 1748
23. DO6AN 24 18 75 15 1125
24. DL3AN 13 12 66 12 792
25. DH9NAD/P 9 6 33 8 264
26. G1WVK 2 1 10 2 20
3. Continent: NA
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. AC2YD 3 2 4 1 4


Scores: "TRC members / SO-AB-MIX-HP"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. UN9L 850 763 1263 261 329643 Plaque
2. LZ3ZZ 940 834 912 319 290928 Certificate
3. F5PHY 527 474 519 183 94977 Certificate
4. LZ1YE 521 473 508 186 94488
5. PA6AA 471 412 463 194 89822 Certificate
6. LZ8R 440 401 424 205 86920
7. PA6F 69 60 63 60 3780  
1. Country: Bulgaria
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LZ3ZZ 940 834 912 319 290928
2. LZ1YE 521 473 508 186 94488
3. LZ8R 440 401 424 205 86920
2. Country: France
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. F5PHY 527 474 519 183 94977
3. Country: Kazakhstan
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UN9L 850 763 1263 261 329643
4. Country: Netherlands
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PA6AA 471 412 463 194 89822
2. PA6F 69 60 63 60 3780
1. Continent: AS
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UN9L 850 763 1263 261 329643
2. Continent: EU
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LZ3ZZ 940 834 912 319 290928
2. F5PHY 527 474 519 183 94977
3. LZ1YE 521 473 508 186 94488
4. PA6AA 471 412 463 194 89822
5. LZ8R 440 401 424 205 86920
6. PA6F 69 60 63 60 3780


Scores: "TRC members / SO-AB-MIX-LP"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. SE4E 872 811 874 271 236854 Plaque
2. OT7Q 668 603 665 303 201495 Certificate
3. SQ9S 389 362 392 160 62720 Certificate
4. EC7K 225 192 203 116 23548
1. Country: Belgium
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OT7Q 668 603 665 303 201495
2. Country: Poland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SQ9S 389 362 392 160 62720
3. Country: Spain
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. EC7K 225 192 203 116 23548
4. Country: Sweden
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SE4E 872 811 874 271 236854


Scores: "TRC members / SO-AB-CW-HP"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. K1LZ 1242 1043 1765 337 594805 Plaque
2. OG5O 1000 848 913 276 251988 Certificate
3. DL4CF 812 738 827 259 214193 Certificate
4. SN5N 753 692 735 265 194775 Certificate
5. IV3UHL 726 644 712 251 178712 Certificate
6. M2G 643 607 675 241 162675 Certificate
7. SP2FAP 630 576 616 209 128744  
8. SC7DX 476 436 485 230 111550 Certificate
9. SD1A 517 454 498 185 92130  
10. LZ4AE 451 419 450 204 91800 Certificate
11. LZ3V 451 409 456 182 82992  
12. LZ4W 405 378 422 154 64988
13. PA5N 306 264 297 150 44550 Certificate
14. W4PM 262 212 353 123 43419 Certificate
15. LZ5Y 228 211 232 126 29232  
16. OR5T 216 194 223 89 19847
17. OM5MX 161 145 155 96 14880  
18. PG7R 158 136 143 104 14872
19. GD4EIP 180 128 135 92 12420  
20. LZ1OP 124 111 121 80 9680
21. DG0KS 70 70 74 52 3848  
1. Country: Belgium
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OR5T 216 194 223 89 19847
2. Country: Bulgaria
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LZ4AE 451 419 450 204 91800
2. LZ3V 451 409 456 182 82992
3. LZ4W 405 378 422 154 64988
4. LZ5Y 228 211 232 126 29232
5. LZ1OP 124 111 121 80 9680
3. Country: England
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. M2G 643 607 675 241 162675
4. Country: Fed. Rep. of Germany
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. DL4CF 812 738 827 259 214193
2. DG0KS 70 70 74 52 3848
5. Country: Finland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OG5O 1000 848 913 276 251988
6. Country: Isle of Man
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. GD4EIP 180 128 135 92 12420
7. Country: Italy
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. IV3UHL 726 644 712 251 178712
8. Country: Netherlands
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PA5N 306 264 297 150 44550
2. PG7R 158 136 143 104 14872
9. Country: Poland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SN5N 753 692 735 265 194775
2. SP2FAP 630 576 616 209 128744
10. Country: Slovak Republic
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OM5MX 161 145 155 96 14880
11. Country: Sweden
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SC7DX 476 436 485 230 111550
2. SD1A 517 454 498 185 92130
12. Country: United States
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. K1LZ 1242 1043 1765 337 594805
2. W4PM 262 212 353 123 43419
1. Continent: EU
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OG5O 1000 848 913 276 251988
2. DL4CF 812 738 827 259 214193
3. SN5N 753 692 735 265 194775
4. IV3UHL 726 644 712 251 178712
5. M2G 643 607 675 241 162675
6. SP2FAP 630 576 616 209 128744
7. SC7DX 476 436 485 230 111550
8. SD1A 517 454 498 185 92130
9. LZ4AE 451 419 450 204 91800
10. LZ3V 451 409 456 182 82992
11. LZ4W 405 378 422 154 64988
12. PA5N 306 264 297 150 44550
13. LZ5Y 228 211 232 126 29232
14. OR5T 216 194 223 89 19847
15. OM5MX 161 145 155 96 14880
16. PG7R 158 136 143 104 14872
17. GD4EIP 180 128 135 92 12420
18. LZ1OP 124 111 121 80 9680
19. DG0KS 70 70 74 52 3848
2. Continent: NA
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. K1LZ 1242 1043 1765 337 594805
2. W4PM 262 212 353 123 43419


Scores: "TRC members / SO-AB-CW-LP"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. DL1CW 822 763 827 300 248100 Plaque
2. SP1AEN 859 813 866 278 240748 Certificate
3. LZ1ZJ 799 750 812 267 216804 Certificate
4. YQ8E 873 763 840 254 213360 Certificate
5. LZ3QE 761 715 777 250 194250  
6. PA4O 783 711 756 252 190512 Certificate
7. UR7MZ 633 578 623 256 159488 Certificate
8. DL5JQ 514 479 521 254 132334 Certificate
9. SD4W 505 477 522 236 123192 Certificate
10. DL2NBY 600 552 595 191 113645
11. LZ7O 526 482 544 206 112064  
12. ON9TT 432 407 436 175 76300 Certificate
13. S54X 409 385 413 183 75579 Certificate
14. HA3HK 411 366 390 183 71370 Certificate
15. PA3DBS 457 387 413 165 68145  
16. LC2F 380 347 367 160 58720 Certificate
17. EA5ITT 325 294 314 182 57148 Certificate
18. SP9DLY 303 280 304 185 56240
19. YL2AG 337 312 349 152 53048 Certificate
20. I6FDJ 354 327 339 145 49155 Certificate
21. LZ2CH 307 289 313 156 48828  
22. SV8SXF 300 272 294 156 45864 Certificate
23. 2E0CVN 322 300 320 143 45760 Certificate
24. OZ1AAR 301 275 289 153 44217 Certificate
25. YU5T 337 302 309 133 41097 Certificate
26. UR4CU 251 232 243 147 35721
27. LZ2VP 302 251 270 118 31860  
28. RD1T 213 200 225 132 29700
29. PA3EWG 201 177 183 132 24156  
30. G4PVM 204 191 202 116 23432
31. DM2RN 246 229 239 98 23422  
32. G3SQU 173 164 172 107 18404
33. YO4AAC 168 161 171 102 17442  
34. 4Z4DX 143 122 209 70 14630
35. YL3JD 123 118 122 80 9760  
36. S57WX 146 121 123 79 9717
37. LZ1WF 117 107 112 76 8512  
38. YO6DBL 103 82 88 63 5544
39. HB9IIH 79 64 75 55 4125  
40. EW8G 84 71 73 55 4015
41. PA3EVY 59 50 60 38 2280  
42. OM7AT 51 45 46 38 1748
43. LZ1MC 33 32 34 32 1088  
44. Z36W 63 22 24 27 648
45. F5OEV 25 17 17 27 459  
1. Country: Belarus
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. EW8G 84 71 73 55 4015
2. Country: Belgium
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. ON9TT 432 407 436 175 76300
3. Country: Bulgaria
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LZ1ZJ 799 750 812 267 216804
2. LZ3QE 761 715 777 250 194250
3. LZ7O 526 482 544 206 112064
4. LZ2CH 307 289 313 156 48828
5. LZ2VP 302 251 270 118 31860
6. LZ1WF 117 107 112 76 8512
7. LZ1MC 33 32 34 32 1088
4. Country: Denmark
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OZ1AAR 301 275 289 153 44217
5. Country: England
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. 2E0CVN 322 300 320 143 45760
2. G4PVM 204 191 202 116 23432
3. G3SQU 173 164 172 107 18404
6. Country: European Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RD1T 213 200 225 132 29700
7. Country: Fed. Rep. of Germany
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. DL1CW 822 763 827 300 248100
2. DL5JQ 514 479 521 254 132334
3. DL2NBY 600 552 595 191 113645
4. DM2RN 246 229 239 98 23422
8. Country: France
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. F5OEV 25 17 17 27 459
9. Country: Greece
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SV8SXF 300 272 294 156 45864
10. Country: Hungary
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. HA3HK 411 366 390 183 71370
11. Country: Israel
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. 4Z4DX 126 2 4 2 8
12. Country: Italy
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. I6FDJ 354 327 339 145 49155
13. Country: Latvia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YL2AG 337 312 349 152 53048
2. YL3JD 123 118 122 80 9760
14. Country: Macedonia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. Z36W 63 22 24 27 648
15. Country: Netherlands
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PA4O 783 711 756 252 190512
2. PA3DBS 457 387 413 165 68145
3. PA3EWG 201 177 183 132 24156
4. PA3EVY 59 50 60 38 2280
16. Country: Norway
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LC2F 380 347 367 160 58720
17. Country: Poland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SP1AEN 859 813 866 278 240748
2. SP9DLY 303 280 304 185 56240
18. Country: Romania
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YQ8E 873 763 840 254 213360
2. YO4AAC 168 161 171 102 17442
3. YO6DBL 103 82 88 63 5544
19. Country: Serbia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YU5T 337 302 309 133 41097
20. Country: Slovak Republic
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OM7AT 51 45 46 38 1748
21. Country: Slovenia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. S54X 409 385 413 183 75579
2. S57WX 146 121 123 79 9717
22. Country: Spain
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. EA5ITT 325 294 314 182 57148
23. Country: Sweden
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SD4W 505 477 522 236 123192
24. Country: Switzerland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. HB9IIH 79 64 75 55 4125
25. Country: Ukraine
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UR7MZ 633 578 623 256 159488
2. UR4CU 251 232 243 147 35721
1. Continent: AS
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. 4Z4DX 126 2 4 2 8
2. Continent: EU
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. DL1CW 822 763 827 300 248100
2. SP1AEN 859 813 866 278 240748
3. LZ1ZJ 799 750 812 267 216804
4. YQ8E 873 763 840 254 213360
5. LZ3QE 761 715 777 250 194250
6. PA4O 783 711 756 252 190512
7. UR7MZ 633 578 623 256 159488
8. DL5JQ 514 479 521 254 132334
9. SD4W 505 477 522 236 123192
10. DL2NBY 600 552 595 191 113645
11. LZ7O 526 482 544 206 112064
12. ON9TT 432 407 436 175 76300
13. S54X 409 385 413 183 75579
14. HA3HK 411 366 390 183 71370
15. PA3DBS 457 387 413 165 68145
16. LC2F 380 347 367 160 58720
17. EA5ITT 325 294 314 182 57148
18. SP9DLY 303 280 304 185 56240
19. YL2AG 337 312 349 152 53048
20. I6FDJ 354 327 339 145 49155
21. LZ2CH 307 289 313 156 48828
22. SV8SXF 300 272 294 156 45864
23. 2E0CVN 322 300 320 143 45760
24. OZ1AAR 301 275 289 153 44217
25. YU5T 337 302 309 133 41097
26. UR4CU 251 232 243 147 35721
27. LZ2VP 302 251 270 118 31860
28. RD1T 213 200 225 132 29700
29. PA3EWG 201 177 183 132 24156
30. G4PVM 204 191 202 116 23432
31. DM2RN 246 229 239 98 23422
32. G3SQU 173 164 172 107 18404
33. YO4AAC 168 161 171 102 17442
34. YL3JD 123 118 122 80 9760
35. S57WX 146 121 123 79 9717
36. LZ1WF 117 107 112 76 8512
37. YO6DBL 103 82 88 63 5544
38. HB9IIH 79 64 75 55 4125
39. EW8G 84 71 73 55 4015
40. PA3EVY 59 50 60 38 2280
41. OM7AT 51 45 46 38 1748
42. LZ1MC 33 32 34 32 1088
43. Z36W 63 22 24 27 648
44. F5OEV 25 17 17 27 459


Scores: "TRC members / SO-AB-SSB-HP"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. LZ2VU 362 83 88 62 5456 Certificate
2. SA0IAT 12 10 11 17 187
3. RC4P 5 2 3 3 9  
4. LZ1CRI 2 2 2 2 4
1. Country: Bulgaria
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LZ2VU 362 83 88 62 5456
2. LZ1CRI 2 2 2 2 4
2. Country: European Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RC4P 5 2 3 3 9
3. Country: Sweden
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SA0IAT 12 10 11 17 187


Scores: "TRC members / SO-AB-SSB-LP"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. F4CVO 31 21 22 24 528 Certificate
2. LZ1DM 25 20 20 26 520
3. DJ0MA 6 5 5 9 45  
4. DJ6DO 6 5 5 6 30
1. Country: Bulgaria
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LZ1DM 25 20 20 26 520
2. Country: Fed. Rep. of Germany
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. DJ0MA 6 5 5 9 45
2. DJ6DO 6 5 5 6 30
3. Country: France
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. F4CVO 31 21 22 24 528


Scores: "TRC members / SO-TB-HP"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. 9A1AA 847 742 763 206 157178 Plaque
2. UZ1WW 695 642 661 195 128895 Certificate
3. LZ1EV 555 486 534 153 81702 Certificate
4. SV1ME 260 245 261 116 30276 Certificate
5. LZ2DF 271 250 277 107 29639  
6. LZ5M 291 251 261 103 26883
7. LY7M 202 191 195 97 18915  
8. LZ5W 133 123 142 75 10650
9. EA3X 100 91 105 58 6090  
10. W1ARY 76 62 103 49 5047
11. YO3XX 44 43 55 40 2200  
12. A71WW 35 27 43 27 1161
13. VE2FK 26 23 32 27 864  
14. K2RET 26 22 42 20 840
15. R6KEE 18 9 9 13 117  
16. PE5TT 27 5 6 6 36
1. Country: Bulgaria
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LZ1EV 555 486 534 153 81702
2. LZ2DF 271 250 277 107 29639
3. LZ5M 291 251 261 103 26883
4. LZ5W 133 123 142 75 10650
2. Country: Canada
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. VE2FK 26 23 32 27 864
3. Country: Croatia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. 9A1AA 847 742 763 206 157178
4. Country: European Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. R6KEE 18 9 9 13 117
5. Country: Greece
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SV1ME 260 245 261 116 30276
6. Country: Lithuania
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LY7M 202 191 195 97 18915
7. Country: Netherlands
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PE5TT 27 5 6 6 36
8. Country: Qatar
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. A71WW 35 27 43 27 1161
9. Country: Romania
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YO3XX 44 43 55 40 2200
10. Country: Spain
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. EA3X 100 91 105 58 6090
11. Country: Ukraine
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UZ1WW 695 642 661 195 128895
12. Country: United States
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. W1ARY 76 62 103 49 5047
2. K2RET 26 22 42 20 840
1. Continent: AS
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. A71WW 35 27 43 27 1161
2. Continent: EU
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. 9A1AA 847 742 763 206 157178
2. UZ1WW 695 642 661 195 128895
3. LZ1EV 555 486 534 153 81702
4. SV1ME 260 245 261 116 30276
5. LZ2DF 271 250 277 107 29639
6. LZ5M 291 251 261 103 26883
7. LY7M 202 191 195 97 18915
8. LZ5W 133 123 142 75 10650
9. EA3X 100 91 105 58 6090
10. YO3XX 44 43 55 40 2200
11. R6KEE 18 9 9 13 117
12. PE5TT 27 5 6 6 36
3. Continent: NA
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. W1ARY 76 62 103 49 5047
2. VE2FK 26 23 32 27 864
3. K2RET 26 22 42 20 840


Scores: "TRC members / SO-TB-LP"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. YL2TD 739 700 725 200 145000 Plaque
2. LZ1DQ 461 406 439 163 71557 Certificate
3. R8WO 253 230 386 100 38600 Certificate
4. EA7Q 316 287 302 123 37146 Certificate
5. LZ2HT 267 242 248 119 29512  
6. SP8CGU 220 202 230 112 25760 Certificate
7. IV3HAX 238 195 217 108 23436  
8. G0FGI 204 169 190 98 18620
9. PD0ME 232 191 222 83 18426  
10. LZ7DX 170 154 163 106 17278
11. SM/OH2KW 244 210 218 77 16786 Certificate
12. RN4HAB 138 123 143 80 11440
13. CT1ELZ 126 116 127 89 11303  
14. ON6WP 153 131 140 65 9100
15. UR5CC 101 88 96 70 6720  
16. AC5XK 80 58 97 57 5529
17. IV3AZV 67 66 66 53 3498  
18. IK6QRH 63 55 61 41 2501
19. LZ1GE 53 48 51 39 1989  
20. IK1SPR 53 49 50 36 1800
21. OK2IW 44 34 34 24 816  
22. PY4ARS 14 8 14 9 126
1. Country: Asiatic Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. R8WO 253 230 386 100 38600
2. Country: Belgium
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. ON6WP 153 131 140 65 9100
3. Country: Brazil
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PY4ARS 14 8 14 9 126
4. Country: Bulgaria
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LZ1DQ 461 406 439 163 71557
2. LZ2HT 267 242 248 119 29512
3. LZ7DX 170 154 163 106 17278
4. LZ1GE 53 48 51 39 1989
5. Country: Czech Republic
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OK2IW 44 34 34 24 816
6. Country: England
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. G0FGI 204 169 190 98 18620
7. Country: European Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RN4HAB 138 123 143 80 11440
8. Country: Italy
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. IV3HAX 238 195 217 108 23436
2. IV3AZV 67 66 66 53 3498
3. IK6QRH 63 55 61 41 2501
4. IK1SPR 53 49 50 36 1800
9. Country: Latvia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YL2TD 739 700 725 200 145000
10. Country: Netherlands
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PD0ME 232 191 222 83 18426
11. Country: Poland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SP8CGU 220 202 230 112 25760
12. Country: Portugal
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. CT1ELZ 126 116 127 89 11303
13. Country: Spain
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. EA7Q 316 287 302 123 37146
14. Country: Sweden
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SM/OH2KW 244 210 218 77 16786
15. Country: Ukraine
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UR5CC 101 88 96 70 6720
16. Country: United States
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. AC5XK 80 58 97 57 5529
1. Continent: AS
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. R8WO 253 230 386 100 38600
2. Continent: EU
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YL2TD 739 700 725 200 145000
2. LZ1DQ 461 406 439 163 71557
3. EA7Q 316 287 302 123 37146
4. LZ2HT 267 242 248 119 29512
5. SP8CGU 220 202 230 112 25760
6. IV3HAX 238 195 217 108 23436
7. G0FGI 204 169 190 98 18620
8. PD0ME 232 191 222 83 18426
9. LZ7DX 170 154 163 106 17278
10. SM/OH2KW 244 210 218 77 16786
11. RN4HAB 138 123 143 80 11440
12. CT1ELZ 126 116 127 89 11303
13. ON6WP 153 131 140 65 9100
14. UR5CC 101 88 96 70 6720
15. IV3AZV 67 66 66 53 3498
16. IK6QRH 63 55 61 41 2501
17. LZ1GE 53 48 51 39 1989
18. IK1SPR 53 49 50 36 1800
19. OK2IW 44 34 34 24 816
3. Continent: NA
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. AC5XK 80 58 97 57 5529
4. Continent: SA
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PY4ARS 14 8 14 9 126


Scores: "TRC members / SO-10"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. RA3AGF 239 217 258 57 14706 Certificate
2. RU7A 203 184 216 57 12312
3. PY2XL 141 122 208 58 12064  
4. RA0AY 120 111 181 60 10860
5. 4X1VF 135 121 200 46 9200  
6. F5NBX 160 132 174 51 8874
7. PY2XC 63 50 82 37 3034  
8. OH3MF 82 63 75 28 2100
9. LZ5X 21 15 22 14 308  
10. LZ5UY 53 13 15 12 180
11. VU2MUD 14 10 17 9 153  
1. Country: Asiatic Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RA0AY 120 111 181 60 10860
2. Country: Brazil
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PY2XL 141 122 208 58 12064
2. PY2XC 63 50 82 37 3034
3. Country: Bulgaria
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LZ5X 21 15 22 14 308
2. LZ5UY 53 13 15 12 180
4. Country: European Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RA3AGF 239 217 258 57 14706
2. RU7A 203 184 216 57 12312
5. Country: Finland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. OH3MF 82 63 75 28 2100
6. Country: France
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. F5NBX 160 132 174 51 8874
7. Country: India
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. VU2MUD 14 10 17 9 153
8. Country: Israel
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. 4X1VF 135 121 200 46 9200
1. Continent: AS
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RA0AY 120 111 181 60 10860
2. 4X1VF 135 121 200 46 9200
3. VU2MUD 14 10 17 9 153
2. Continent: EU
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RA3AGF 239 217 258 57 14706
2. RU7A 203 184 216 57 12312
3. F5NBX 160 132 174 51 8874
4. OH3MF 82 63 75 28 2100
5. LZ5X 21 15 22 14 308
6. LZ5UY 53 13 15 12 180
3. Continent: SA
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PY2XL 141 122 208 58 12064
2. PY2XC 63 50 82 37 3034


Scores: "TRC members / SO-15"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. TA3D 251 226 381 59 22479 Certificate
2. EA4HKF 211 186 196 50 9800
3. AI6O 70 53 87 40 3480  
4. IK4ZHH 40 34 38 32 1216
5. DO5OT 14 11 15 10 150  
6. TA4RC 2 1 1 2 2
1. Country: Asiatic Turkey
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. TA3D 251 226 381 59 22479
2. TA4RC 2 1 1 2 2
2. Country: Fed. Rep. of Germany
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. DO5OT 14 11 15 10 150
3. Country: Italy
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. IK4ZHH 40 34 38 32 1216
4. Country: Spain
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. EA4HKF 211 186 196 50 9800
5. Country: United States
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. AI6O 70 53 87 40 3480
1. Continent: AS
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. TA3D 251 226 381 59 22479
2. TA4RC 2 1 1 2 2
2. Continent: EU
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. EA4HKF 211 186 196 50 9800
2. IK4ZHH 40 34 38 32 1216
3. DO5OT 14 11 15 10 150
3. Continent: NA
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. AI6O 70 53 87 40 3480


Scores: "TRC members / SO-20"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. HA8TP 306 292 306 69 21114 Certificate
2. YT2ISM 308 258 266 63 16758 Certificate
3. IK2AVH 268 241 249 67 16683 Certificate
4. DL0GEO 251 226 230 60 13800 Certificate
5. LZ6C 208 187 198 62 12276  
6. LZ7VM 125 101 106 42 4452
7. IT9IMJ 210 82 86 35 3010  
8. IK0NOJ 67 55 57 30 1710
9. Z33F 55 48 48 35 1680  
10. DH1PAL 45 31 31 34 1054
11. LY2BIS 49 19 20 17 340  
12. RQ4C 21 17 18 10 180
13. F5PTI 5 3 3 5 15  
14. YO6PPX 3 2 2 3 6
1. Country: Bulgaria
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LZ6C 208 187 198 62 12276
2. LZ7VM 125 101 106 42 4452
2. Country: European Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. RQ4C 21 17 18 10 180
3. Country: Fed. Rep. of Germany
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. DL0GEO 251 226 230 60 13800
2. DH1PAL 45 31 31 34 1054
4. Country: France
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. F5PTI 5 3 3 5 15
5. Country: Hungary
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. HA8TP 306 292 306 69 21114
6. Country: Italy
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. IK2AVH 268 241 249 67 16683
2. IK0NOJ 67 55 57 30 1710
7. Country: Lithuania
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LY2BIS 49 19 20 17 340
8. Country: Macedonia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. Z33F 55 48 48 35 1680
9. Country: Romania
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YO6PPX 3 2 2 3 6
10. Country: Serbia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YT2ISM 308 258 266 63 16758
11. Country: Sicily
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. IT9IMJ 210 82 86 35 3010


Scores: "TRC members / SO-40"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. PD1RP 103 87 87 42 3654 Certificate
2. YO9IAB 2 2 2 3 6
1. Country: Netherlands
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PD1RP 103 87 87 42 3654
2. Country: Romania
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YO9IAB 2 2 2 3 6


Scores: "TRC members / SO-80"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. DL6KWN 88 85 86 44 3784 Certificate
2. R2BW 25 19 19 20 380
1. Country: European Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. R2BW 25 19 19 20 380
2. Country: Fed. Rep. of Germany
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. DL6KWN 88 85 86 44 3784


Scores: "TRC members / SO-160 - Single Operator-160M-Mixed"


Scores: "TRC members / MS"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. LZ73TRC 506 440 482 205 98810 Certificate


Scores: "TRC members / SO-AB-QRP"
# Call QSO Score Plaque /
total conf. points mult total Certificate
1. UA3RF 524 489 535 187 100045 Plaque
2. SF0A 444 419 450 178 80100 Certificate
3. UA6AK 354 311 334 161 53774 Certificate
4. UA7G 300 284 314 157 49298
5. LZ2AF 283 265 286 155 44330 Certificate
6. YL3FW 315 276 296 138 40848 Certificate
7. HA5BA 141 130 139 101 14039  
8. YO4LHR 179 145 154 75 11550
9. DC1YY 109 89 100 74 7400  
10. HG7J 74 68 74 72 5328
11. DL4FDM/P 26 24 24 27 648  
12. PC2F 26 21 22 23 506
13. SP7JPN 10 9 9 12 108  
14. SP3MKL 8 6 6 10 60
1. Country: Bulgaria
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. LZ2AF 283 265 286 155 44330
2. Country: European Russia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. UA3RF 524 489 535 187 100045
2. UA6AK 354 311 334 161 53774
3. UA7G 300 284 314 157 49298
3. Country: Fed. Rep. of Germany
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. DC1YY 109 89 100 74 7400
2. DL4FDM/P 26 24 24 27 648
4. Country: Hungary
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. HA5BA 141 130 139 101 14039
2. HG7J 74 68 74 72 5328
5. Country: Latvia
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YL3FW 315 276 296 138 40848
6. Country: Netherlands
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. PC2F 26 21 22 23 506
7. Country: Poland
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SP7JPN 10 9 9 12 108
2. SP3MKL 8 6 6 10 60
8. Country: Romania
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. YO4LHR 179 145 154 75 11550
9. Country: Sweden
# Call QSO Score
total conf. points mult total
1. SF0A 444 419 450 178 80100